1 lb (grass-feed, local) ground lamb (or beef)
1 large or 2 small leek, cleaned and diced
1 carrot, peeled and finely diced
2 stalks celery, finely diced
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp dried, or 1 Tbsp fresh oregano, minced
2 tsp dried rosemary, crushed
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 10-oz package mushrooms, cleaned and sliced
1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes, strained, juices reserved
½ cup red wine
Heat a large non-stick skillet over medium-high flame. Add eggplant and heat through with stirring for about 2-3 minutes. Then add a few tablespoons olive oil, tossing to distribute the oil evenly. Continue cooking another 5 minutes or until the eggplant is nicely browned. Set aside in a bowl.
Brown the ground lamb (or beef) in the pan in a bit of oil until cooked well through. Set aside with eggplant. In same skillet, sauté the leek, carrot and celery in a bit of olive oil until softened and beginning to brown, about 8-10 minutes. Add cumin, oregano, rosemary and garlic half way through. Set aside with the lamb and eggplant.
Heat the skillet on high heat and add a bit of olive oil. Tip in the mushrooms and cook without stirring until they begin the release their liquid. Stir and cook about 8-10 minutes total. Tip into bowl with lamb and eggplant. Reheat skillet to high and add a bit of olive oil. Add the strained tomatoes and sizzle for about 8-10 minutes, stirring only every so often, so tomatoes brown a bit and begin to caramelize. Return all ingredients to the skillet, including the wine. Bring to a boil; reduce to a simmer with stirring. Simmer sauce for at least 30 minutes. Even best if served the next day.
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