Starting our 10 day tour of France with the Finale of Le Tour de France on Les Champes Elysees was a treat as wonderful as all the food we experienced.

We traveled from Paris to Brittany, to Toulouse, to Clerment Ferrand, up to the Loire valley and back to Paris - eating everything we could find along the way! Over the next few months in this blog, you'll see me work my way through many of the great recipes we learned, and try to replicate them in the American kitchen. All the food we had was wonderful (except the snails, I have to admit), but the bread - need I say more?

I was reading Julia Child's "My Life in France" during this trip, and she swears that we can make a good baguette back stateside - I have my doubts but this will be a challenge I will undertake in this blog... Stay tuned here for more details as I figure it out.
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