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Welcome to flexitarian cooking. A fusion of global flavors with lots of plants, some seafood and a bit of meat now and again.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

Come on, be honest. How likely are you to keep your New Year's Resolution(s)? Don't kid yourself - so this year keep it simple. Strive for a small, but worthy change. Something you can actually accomplish. And maybe even help others with.

Like smiling more. Or giving more flowers.
Or eating just a bit better.

I’m striving to eat a bit more plants and a bit less meat. How will that help others?! First I’ll feel great, which will make me much more fun to be around. Second I’ll help control the rampant use of antibiotics, fed to animals of slaughter, contributing to the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria everywhere. Big problem. Third I’ll nourish myself on food with a much lower carbon footprint, which might help the planet.

You're welcome :-))

I’m not saying don’t eat meat. I’m a big fan of Michael Pollen, the omnivore with a dilemma. And of Mark Bittman who offers the philosophy of “eat less-meatism”. Both of these incredible intellects simply suggest balancing meat with more plants. I like the idea of using meat as a flavoring, a sort of spice. Though I love plants, I will continue to eat meat. And Simon Fairley even makes quite a good case for eating meat, but also for more humane, ecologically sound farming practices.

There is a lot of controversy about eating meat. And about vegetarianism, veganism, the Paleo diet - you name it. Won’t figure that out overnight. But you gotta admit there’s a lot of junk we’re eating no matter what our diet. Remember, potato chips are vegetarian! Over time even small changes made steadily and consistently can have a huge impact. So keep your resolutions small, but keep them.

Every long journey starts with a single step. I’m taking a small step towards increasing my plant intake, and it's a resolution I can keep. And I thank my lucky stars I'm here to be able take this step.
Stars, Columbus Circle, New York City

Happy New Year.

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